This menu item shows you your license information and checks for the latest version.
It notifies you about any available updates to our product.
If you see a red exclamation mark next to this icon, you know it's time to upgrade.
Simply click on the Professional Valuation Models button, and you will be redirected to
the download page.
Use your login name and password to download the latest version. Please note that after installing,
you need to restart Excel/Word/PowerPoint for the new version to appear.
ValidValue Tools Excel Help
Add-In General
The ValidValue Add-In offers a lot of functionality.
- First and foremost, the Add-In is required to open Valid Value models. For that you need to install the add-in and log in through the menu bar.
- Secondly, the Add-In offers all kind of general functionality:
- use the Add-In to export content of your Excel spreadsheets dynamically to Word and / or Powerpoint
- use the Formula Audit to analyse your spreadsheet formulae
- shortcuts are available to quickly navigate through your spreadsheet by moving back and forth to dependants / precedents
- and much more
This Help function follows the structure of the various groups in your Valid Value Tool menu. Note: this help is up-to-date with the last version of our add-in. If you're missing features, do download & install the latest version at the download page.
Ribbon Buttons
ValidValue Group
Functions Group
Exports the current selection in your Excel file to an open Word file.
For this to work, at least one Word file needs to be opened. The add-in will export your data to
the last selected file. The export function to Word can export:
- Ranges as Image This allows you to export a block of rows and columns (e.g. a part of a report) to Word. In Word it will be shown as an image that can be updated dynamically.
- Single cell as text This allows you to dynamically change text in Word that contains a value from Excel. For example: in the Word sentence: “the growth rate applied is 5%”, the 5% can be an import from Excel. If the growth in Excel changes from 5% to e.g. 10%, your text in Word will be updated as well.
- Charts as Image
Instead of using the button, you can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+W (see shortcuts), or use the right mouse button.
In Word you will find information on the exported Excel ranges/cells/charts. See the Valid Value Tools menu: These options will only activate if you select an image/text that was exported through our Add-In. The options above allows you to:
- Refresh Page: updates all your exports from Excel on this page.
- Refresh All: updates all your exports from Excel in this file.
- Refresh selection: updates your currently selected Word export with new data from Excel.
- Go to Source: brings you directly to the source (excel) file and location where the export was made.
- Source info: shows which Excel file is linked.
Make sure you save your Word file first. The options will only become available after saving your Word file.
Exports the current selection in your Excel file to an open PowerPoint file.
For this to work, at least one PowerPoint file needs to be opened. The add-in will export your data to
the last selected file. The export function to PowerPoint can export:
- Ranges as Image This allows you to export a block of rows and columns (e.g. a part of a report) to Word. In Word it will be shown as an image that can be updated dynamically.
- Single cell as text This allows you to dynamically change text in PowerPoint that contains a value from Excel. For example: in the PowerPoint sentence: “the growth rate applied is 5%”, the 5% can be an import from Excel. If the growth in Excel changes from 5% to e.g. 10%, your text in PowerPoint will be updated as well.
- Charts as Image
Instead of using the button, you can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+E (see shortcuts), or use the right mouse button.
In PowerPoint you will find information on the exported Excel ranges/cells/charts. See the Valid Value Tools menu: These options will only activate if you select an image/text that was exported through our Add-In. The options above allows you to:
- Refresh Slide: updates all your exports from Excel on the active slide.
- Refresh All: updates all your exports from Excel in the whole presentation.
- Refresh selection: updates your current selected PowerPoint export with new data from Excel.
- Go to Source: brings you directly to the source (excel) file and location where the export was made.
- Source info: shows which Excel file is linked.
Make sure you save your PowerPoint file first. The options will only become available after saving your PowerPoint file.
Parses the current Excel cell formula and displays all the contents in a tree view.
- Expand and contract individual formula elements and sub formulas.
- Drill down on single cell elements. This does not work if that cell is on a locked sheet and has its formula hidden.
- See the calculated values for sub formulas and formula elements.
- Arrive at an underlying input value and change the input.
This function helps you to show the exported cells/ranges/charts on the current worksheet. If you start this function, a pane will open at the side of your screen where you can click on the names and jump to them.
Right-Click Menu Buttons
Pushes the current selection to Word.
See this topic.Pushes the current selection to PowerPoint.
See this topic.Builds the Formula Audit for the current cell.
See this topic.Dependants & Precedents
What is allows you to do is quickly jump through your model. In this example:
- In cell B3, CTRL+SHIFT+S is pressed to jump to the first source/precedent of B3. As you can see in the formula, the precedents are A1, A2 and A3. In this example, the model will jump to A3.
- Next, CTRL+SHIFT+H will jump you back to where you came from, B3
- Or, pressing CTRL+SHIFT+Q a couple of times will loop you through all precedents (A2, A1...), coming back to your origin (B3).
This command is activated by the menu or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+D
(see shortcuts).
This feature collects dependants for the calculation of the current/selected cell (i.e.: where this cell is used).
It will jump to the first dependant of the current cell. You can jump back to the current cell by pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+H or loop through all dependants with CTRL+SHIFT+Q.
This command is activated by the menu or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+S
(see shortcuts).
This feature collects precedents/sources for the calculation of the current/selected cell.
It will jump to the first precedent of the current cell. You can jump back to the current cell by pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+H or loop through all precedents with CTRL+SHIFT+Q.
After CTRL+SHIFT+S (precedent) or CTRL+SHIFT+D (dependant), use this function to jump back to the cell where you started from, "Home". Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+H.
After CTRL+SHIFT+S (precedent) or CTRL+SHIFT+D (dependant), use this function to loop through the precedents/dependants. Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+Q.
Keyboard Shortcuts
ValidValue introduces keyboard shortcuts for fast and easy access to our features.
Builds the Formula Audit for the current cell.
Pushes the current selection to Word.
Pushes the current selection to PowerPoint.
Builds the collection of dependants for the currently selected cell.
Builds the collection of precedents for the currently selected cell.
Jump back to the origin cell.
Iterates over the current list of precedents or dependants for the current cell.
Jump to the first sheet in this workbook.
Jump to the last sheet in this workbook.
The file analyzer can find links, images and named ranges in your workbook. You can use it to remove undesired ones. A quick way is to use the SMART WRONG or the SMART OK filter. All named ranges fall in one of those two filters. SMART OK are most likely names you want to keep, SMART WRONG the ones you want to remove (e.g. #REF names, external names, etc).
Many excel tools leave hidden named ranges in your worksheets. This can bloat your file and make it very slow.
The icon in the menu bar will change to a warning-icon when there are many names in your file (over 1000 names). It is recommented to clean the names. The fastest way to do this is to:
- Start the file analyser
- Click Load Names
- Use the "Other Filters"->"SMART WRONG" filter
- Check the list and use "Select all" and "Delete Selection" to remove those names
This feature enables you to export sheets from your current excel file, removing all formulas, hidden data, names, etcetera. The process for the export is:
- Press the Export Hard Copy button
- In the pane that appears, select the sheets you want to export
- Select in what way you want to export the sheets with a checkbox:
- (Default) An export where the exported file appears the same as the original. Hidden rows & columns are removed.
- (Use the checkbox at the bottom of the pane) An export where all exported cells are at the same location as in the original file. So cell B10 in your file is cell B10 in your export. Hidden rows & columns are also hidden in your export, their data will NOT be exported.
- Press the "Create Hard Copy" button at the bottom of the pane.
License Group
Logs you in or out of ValidValue.
Please use the provided login name and password.
Without login in, the Valid Value Add-In remains inactive and cannot be used.
That also means that you cannot open Valid Value models.
If you forgot your password, you can change it here:
General technical background
Using Valid Value on multiple PCs
The Valid Value add-in can be used on several computers, the only condition is that the Windows account is exactly the same for both computers. When you switch computers, the add-in will be logged out (on the computer you switch away from). If you want to use the add-in and/or open a Valid Value model, please make sure you log in (on the computer you switch to).
Links Excel-PowerPoint/Word
The Valid Value Excel-PowerPoint & Excel-Word link work by creating a unique name in Excel and attaching a label to the exported image/link in PowerPoint/Word. That means that you will need to save both the Excel and the PowerPoint/Word file after you've created your exports.
- Push a cell/range/chart from Excel to PowerPoint (or Word)
- In that Excel file a unique name/hook is created
- In that PowerPoint/Word file that same unique name/hook is created
- If you save those files, that name/hook will be stored too
- All copies of those files will have that same name/hook, so can be updated using the Valid Value add-in